Supporting The Brothers’ Network
Please Make Your Secure Donation to
the Brothers' Network Fund
cultureworks Philadelphia has spawned culturetrust, which serves as the fiscal agent and fiscal sponsor for The Brothers’ Network. We are an arts nonprofit, which melds artistic, archival, curatorial, and editorial practices to signify, solidify, and sustain the humanity of black men locally and globally. Please become a member by donating to the Brothers’ Network Fund via wedid.it. Your financial support and membership to The Brothers’ Network allows you to receive our editorial newsletter and special invitations to selected events and experiences without any additional cost. Your donation is tax deductible and helps support our work as an arts and culture presenting non-profit organization.
Thank You to Our Funders
and Individual Donors*
The Brothers Network sends warm appreciation and acknowledgment to our members, donors, volunteers, and supporters in regular appreciation receptions and events. The National Museum of American Jewish History serves as our post-partner for such events.
*Since our inception, it is individual donors like you who have sustained The Brothers’ Network for over a decade.